Some useful links to mostly German and European sites

gbg2.jpg - 30435 Bytes German Brewery Guide ***** Steve Thomas's Good Beer Guide to Germany is a comprehensive guide to German breweries, their beers and taps. A must for all lovers of German beer, it's been written with the beer tourist in mind and includes all known operating breweries, together with detailed guides to some of the best cities in the country for beer.
pattin.gif - 2.9 K European Pub and Beer Guides **** European Pub and Beer Guides, pub guides to various cities in Europe, beer articles discussing various aspects of beer
belshop.gif - 4.4 K Belgian Shop ***** At the Belgian Shop you can find out about Belgian beers and even buy them online.
beerlif.gif - 2.5 K Beerismylife ***** A home brewer and serious Pub crawlers beer site
bhunter.gif - 4.1 K The Beer Hunter ***** Michael Jacksons Beer Site. Gone but not forgotten !
braulotse.gif - 8904 Bytes Braulotse **** An Internet site for Brewers with some general info and links.
allbbeer.gif - 2.5 K All About Beer ***** Interesting online beer magazine. Lots of well writen articles and information. Unfortunately often a real pain to use with awkward Captcha challenges.
ice_icon.gif - 0.5 K Bier am Bahnhof ** Beer at railway stations
bier_de2.gif - 1.6 K Beer From Germany **** Vast site of German beer and Brewery information
dbb.gif - 1.7 K Deutscher Brauer Bund *** German Brewers Association, Market information
koeln.gif - 3.9 K Kölner Brauhaus Wanderweg **** Walks through Cologne via Kölsch breweries
vlb.gif - 0.6 K Research and Teaching Institute of Brewing, Berlin (VLB) ** German Beer on the Internet

Beer Organisations, Consumer Groups

camra.gif - 3.0 K



Campaign for Real Ale (UK). Since 1971 CAMRA's mission has been to act as champion of the consumer in relation to the UK and European beer and drinks industry. It aims to: Maintain consumer rights, Promote quality, choice and value for money, Support the public house as a focus of community life, Campaign for greater appreciation of traditional beers, ciders and perries as part of national heritage and culture, Seek improvements in all licensed premises and throughout the brewing industry.
zythos logo.jpg - 0.8 K Zythos formerly De Objectieve Bierproevers (OBP) ***** Belgian Beer Organisation.
pintlogo.gif - 1.8 K Promotie Informatie Traditioneel Bier (PINT) ***** The Dutch Beerpages, brewery and beerlistings, beer agenda
logo_gilde.gif - 1517 Bytes Les Amis de la Bičre ***** The French beer association.
ebcu.gif - 2.0 K The European Beer Consumers Union (EBCU) ***** The EBCU was founded on 25 May 1990 by societies of beer consumers from the UK (CAMRA), the Netherlands (PINT) and Belgium (OBP). On 22 February 1992, they were joined by Sweden (SÖ), on 9 October 1993 by Finland (FINNLIBS), on 12 March 1994 by France (AB), on 4 March 1995 by Switzerland (ABO) and on 23 March 1996 the Norwegian (NORŘL). These organisations all have similar aims, i.e. the promotion of traditional beers and traditional beer culture on the one hand, and the protection of consumer interests on the other. The organisations are financed by membership dues and not funded by the beer industry. Commercial organisations are not eligible for membership.
danske.jpg - 3.0 K Danish Beer Enthusiasts (DBE) ***** Danish Beer Enthusiasts (DBE) is a national member association for individuals as well as beer clubs interested in beer. DBE was founded on 5 September 1998 and its object is to promote a broad, varied range of Breweries and beer types in Denmark and create focus on the nature of beer.
Supports and stimulates craft and home brewing in Denmark and disseminates the history of Danish beer.
sweden.gif - 1115 Bytes Swedish Beer Consumers Association ***** The Swedish Beer Consumers Association is a nonprofit organisation founded in 1985, which works to improve the situation for beer consumers in Sweden. The Association works all over Sweden and there are numerous local clubs with representatives in their network.
abo.gif - 1816 Bytes ABO Switzerland ***** L'Association des Buveurs d'Orges (ABO) est une association d'amateurs et d'amatrices de bičres, dont l'objectif principal est la promotion et la diffusion de la bičre et de sa culture.
finland.gif - 1394 Bytes Olutliitto - Finland ***** The Finnish beer consumers organisation was founded in 1971 and elected member of EBCU in 1993.
union birrai logo.jpg - 3980 Bytes UNIONBIRRAI - Italy ***** The Italian beer consumers organisation.
czech logo.gif - 4600 Bytes Sdružení prátel piva ***** The Czech beer consumers organisation.
beoir.jpg - 2650 Bytes Beoir ***** The Irish beer consumers organisation.
austria logo.jpg - 2770 Bytes BierIG ***** The Austrian beer consumers organisation.
polish logo.gif - 640 Bytes Bractwo Piwne ***** The Polish beer consumers organisation.


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